“A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play; his labor and his leisure; his mind and his body; his education and his recreation. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing, and leaves others to determine whether he is working or playing. To himself, he always appears to be doing both.” ― L.P. Jacks

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In-reply-to » After a bug in the Open Watcom OS/2 resource compiler has been fixed (imagine that – they still fix bugs related to OS/2! 🤯💚), I was able to make some more progress with the OS/2 GUI version of my little disk usage tool. It now has a menu bar and a dialog to open another directory:

@movq@www.uninformativ.de That’s what I figured, since ncdu shows it at the bottom. ;-) But it’s actually pretty smart, to be honest. More space for precious content. And the title bar exists anyway, so why not make use of it with something helpful? Also, with entries being in descending order, it’s actually natural to show the sum as the even higher number above the largest entry and not at the bottom in another status line widget. 8-)

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In-reply-to » We have great April weather over here. Yesterday sun, rain, sun, rain, sun, hail, sun, hail, sun, rain, etc. It didn't hail today, but sun alternatd with rain a bunch of times. Went out this evening and boy, what an absolutely gorgeous scenery!

@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org Wonderful! Great dandelion shots. 😃

That sheep reminded me to read up on how sheep eyes work, having elongated pupils and all. They have multi-focal lenses – what?! Fascinating!

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In-reply-to » Thanks again @movq !! I have figured things out and set up Jenny and Vim completion following your blog post! Cheers!

Welcome @aelaraji@aelaraji.com!

What the heck is going on with the encoding here?! The feed’s Content-Type header does not include any charset, but I’m still relying on the official twtxt client to fetch and parse feeds. Haven’t noticed this with any other feeds. Where in the chain is this messed up? :-? Seems like the “space” is the Unicode line separator U+2028, that we use for newlines.


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In-reply-to » After a bug in the Open Watcom OS/2 resource compiler has been fixed (imagine that – they still fix bugs related to OS/2! 🤯💚), I was able to make some more progress with the OS/2 GUI version of my little disk usage tool. It now has a menu bar and a dialog to open another directory:

@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org Yeah, I was too lazy to introduce a new widget for that (and the current directory), so I just (ab)used the titlebar. %)

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In-reply-to » @pratikbaid3 is looking for a few small projects to add to his contractor/freelance CV and has reached out to me to see if he could do a bit of work on the Yarn.social mobile app. He's done work before in the past and has done a pretty decent job.

Sounds good. Yarn doesn’t have mobile app right now, so having a clean, decent one, would help. I will leave the UI/UX design to the contractor, trusting his taste, and good judgement. :-)

I don’t consider search that important. If it will be the same as it is on Yarn web now, then it isn’t worth much, or at all.

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In-reply-to » Oh, nevermind... it did! I've just checked my twtxt.txt file. Now I have to figure out replays 🫤

I wonder if anyone got that as a replay 🥲 I tried and copied thread’s tag from twtxt.net

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In-reply-to » @mckinley That may be true. I tried some "decentralized exchanges" but I have issue with "trust" so this is proving to be quite hard to figure out how to support accepting XMR as a "payment method" 🤔

@prologic@twtxt.net I use LocalMonero (onion) to buy Monero with cash sent by mail. You can sell on there if you want to convert back to fiat. People also like Bisq, which is peer-to-peer software for buying and selling cryptocurrency.

To accept Monero, all you need is a wallet program. I recommend Feather Wallet. Create your wallet in there, then you’ll copy the wallet files into monero-wallet-rpc for use with MoneroPay, see docker-compose.yaml.

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In-reply-to » Oh, nevermind... it did! I've just checked my twtxt.txt file. Now I have to figure out replays 🫤

I think he might have a hard time knowing there is a reply, @movq@www.uninformativ.de. Then replying will become the next ordeal. Starting friction is strong on twtxt. That’s where Yarn excelled.

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In-reply-to » So turns out the following are banned in Australia

@mckinley@twtxt.net That may be true. I tried some “decentralized exchanges” but I have issue with “trust” so this is proving to be quite hard to figure out how to support accepting XMR as a “payment method” 🤔

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In-reply-to » @movq if you are referring to Adobe (I had to go check Johan’s raw feed), I don’t think many other do digital signatures, and deal with fill-in forms. I have a Windows VDI at work for two exclusive purposes: Outlook, and Adobe Acrobat. LOL.

I got an e-mail today about my Linux notebook reaching end of support, yada yada yada. It mentioned that with the new stuff Okular will be able to sign PDFs. Never ever had to use that, but maybe some Linux user finds this information useful.

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In-reply-to » @bender Agree maybe it's time to rethink the data stored here, I've been leaning towards this anyway over the past year or so.

@prologic@twtxt.net I know it is often those who can’t code the ones more vocal. As I endeavour to improve my overall behaviour, and approach to all things in life, please know that I am grateful for what you have done, and continue to do, on Yarn.

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In-reply-to » For some reason I can't reply to the original twt (https://twtxt.net/twt/lwb53ba). Deleted?

I dunno what to say, but the Twt @movq@www.uninformativ.de replied to #cjlg4da just isn’t there. I can see it in @johanbove@johanbove.info ’s feed

$ ./yarnc stats https://johanbove.info/twtxt.txt | grep cjlg4da
  1 : (#cjlg4da)

But neither my pod nor the search engine ever ingested it. Hmm? Without modifying the tools I’m not even sure which Twt it was.

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