For some reason, I was using calc all this time. I mean, it’s good, but I need to do base conversions (dec, hex, bin) very often and you have to type base(2) or base(16) in calc to do that. That’s exhausting after a while.

So I now replaced calc with a little Python script which always prints the results in dec/hex/bin, grouped in bytes (if the result is an integer). That’s what I need. It’s basically just a loop around Python’s exec().

$ mcalc 
> 123
         123        0x[7b][7b=]    0b[01111011][01111011=]

> 1234
        1234        0x[04 d2][04 d2=]    0b[00000100 11010010][00000100 11010010=]

> 0x7C00 + 0x3F + 512
       32319        0x[7e 3f][7e 3f=]    0b[01111110 00111111][01111110 00111111=]

> a = 10; b = 0x2b; c = 0b1100101
          10        0x[0a][0a=]    0b[00001010][00001010=]

> a + b + 3 * c
         356        0x[01 64][01 64=]    0b[00000001 01100100][00000001 01100100=]

> 2**32 - 1
  4294967295        0x[ff ff ff ff][ff ff ff ff=]    0b[11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111][11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111=]

> 4 * atan(1)

> cos(pi)

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