@bender@twtxt.net I built my own, a much smaller one with a multi stage build… shouldn’t that do the trick? 🤔
@bender@twtxt.net Dud! you should see the updated version! 😂 I have just discovered the scratch
#container image and decided I wanted to play with it… I’m probably going to end up rebuilding a LOT of images.
~/htwtxt » podman image list htwtxt
localhost/htwtxt 1.0.7-scratch 2d5c6fb7862f About a minute ago 12 MB
localhost/htwtxt 1.0.5-alpine 13610a37e347 4 weeks ago 20.1 MB
localhost/htwtxt 1.0.7-alpine 2a5c560ee6b7 4 weeks ago 20.1 MB
docker.io/buckket/htwtxt latest c0e33b2913c6 8 years ago 778 MB
@aelaraji@aelaraji.com Yes building OCI images with no userland to speak of is great isn’t it 🤣
As long as you can correctly statically link your binary of course 🤣