although I agree that it helps, I don’t see completely correct to leave the nick definition to the source .txt. It could be wrong from the start or outdated with the time.

I’d rather prefer to get it from the mentioned .txt nick metadata (could be cached for performance).
So my vote would to make it mandatory to follow @<name url> but only using that name/nick if the URL doesn’t contain another nick.
A main advantage is that when the destination URL changes the nick, it’ll be automagically updated in the thread view (as happens with some other microblogging platforms, following the Jakob’s Law)

⤋ Read More I see nicks as a label, but otherwise superfluous. I can give whatever nick I want to anyone, as long as the feed exists (at least on Yarn).

So, if nick exist on feed, great, use it! if it doesn’t, assign a random hash derived from whole URL as nick. Done. :-D

⤋ Read More


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