
Home of Bender Rodriguez. Get off my lawn!

And here is one of my many nuggets of wisdom: "Yeah, well, I'm gonna go build my own theme park. With blackjack and hookers! In fact, forget the park."

Recent twts from bender
In-reply-to » hmm any ideas how to fix this case when there is no nick and it on a shared tilde hosting? you reach out and tell them to set a nick? Or parse the URL, and use the word right after the tilde as the nick?

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In-reply-to » GoToSocial snapshot has gained "editing statuses" capabilities (and the ability to see the update trail as well). That was one of the things I wanted to most to be implemented. Actually, that sits at the top of my wish list. Next is push notifications. I am sure it will run fine. I mean, mine is on a VPS, with 1GB RAM, 1vCPU, and shares it with Conduwit (Matrix), a few websites, Headscale, etc. 😂

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In-reply-to » Grocery shopping in the day of Christmas Eve is nuts, and wife is dragging me through it. 😩 that’s such a good plan! Staying at home, comfy, is all I wanted. But nooo! This brings true the saying in Spanish, “Una cosa piensa el borracho, y otra el bodeguero.” 😂

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In-reply-to » Years ago, I had a falling out with PayPal, when they implemented ToS changes, that would let them withhold your money without a reason and randomly subtract "ToS violation fees" from your balance. yeah, PayPal blows. I use it exclusively when buying stuff from eBay, because using anything else is a pain. Other than that they can go fly a kite.

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In-reply-to » I would like to share my lastest article about #twtxt on my blog: . Attention! It is a Spanish grats! A few things. Typo on jenny; that’s, it’s “jenny”, not “Janny”. You missed how to reply to others, and how to find those who “follow” you, which will require to mention the current extensions.

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In-reply-to » What's the most common feature set on these tilde gists? 🤔 ahh! “Capability”. Minimum is terminal (SSH) access, and availability of tools present on an UNIX alike box. That’s usually the minimum, and the most common capability.

Many offer the ability to compile in a few languages, and to run your own programs and processes persistently, emails, web hosting, IRC (their own network), etc.

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In-reply-to » There's this something about this Halloy #IRC client's look I can't find a proper word for. Aesthetically pleasing maybe? anyway, it feels nice. I tried it (still have it installed on work laptop), didn’t like it. The comfort I get from having a web based IRC client (and bouncer) available at all times, from everywhere, can’t be easily replaced. :-)

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