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Recent twts from movq
In-reply-to » I went on a 5:30 hours long hike to my second backyard mountain. About 12km to get there and roughly 9km on the way back. It was super nice, sunny all day long, 12°C and luckily just a little bit of wind. Great scenery. I managed to capture one great spotted woodpecker hammering along. There was also a kestrel hovering over a meadow and then landing on a sports field light pole. At the castle ruin I could watch 10-12 gliding red kites (with the V-shaped tail) and other raptors, maybe bussards, I don't know, for about five minutes. That was fascinating. Unfortunately, my camera doesn't too well with moving targets. Lyse, the man with feet of steel. đŸŠŸ

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In-reply-to » These two degenerates 
 Fucking hell. I formed my opinion about this before reading/watching any additional media coverage. And yes, this is extremely bad. These two have no place on the “world stage”. They are deciding on our future. (And I am well aware that my country is heading into a similar direction – unless we stop it.)

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In-reply-to » Es gibt Tage, da kommt's mir auch so vor: Lalala, ich höre nix. 🙉

Aber total unrealistisch. Die „Fokuszeit“ hĂ€tte ĂŒberbucht sein mĂŒssen durch ein anderes, wichtiges Meeting. Sonst war ja kein Platz mehr dafĂŒr.

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In-reply-to » We went up our backyard mountain again right after lunch. The sun peaked through the clouds sometimes. The 6°C felt much, much cooler with the northeast wind. We got lucky, though, it was dead calm at the summit. At least on the southwestern side, which is a few meters lower than the very top to the east. That was shielded absolutely perfectly from the wind (we were extremely surprised), so we sat down on a bench and could really enjoy the sun heating us up. Apart from the haze, the view was really nice. Looks like a nice day. 😊 I tried to go on a quick walk, but it was really cold. And everything’s wet at the moment. Bah.

Clothespins in the woods, who would have thunk? đŸ„Ž

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In-reply-to » Na, you're spot on, @movq! The result is an expected, terrible disaster. It just seems the absolute catastrophy is delayed for another four years.

To me it appeared that the failed attempts to ban NPD in the past actually helped them gain more supporters.

What makes AfD stronger for sure is just going “lol nah we’re not even going to try”:

If they don’t try, then it means that “it can’t be that bad, it’s just a normal party”, right? 😡

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In-reply-to » Na, you're spot on, @movq! The result is an expected, terrible disaster. It just seems the absolute catastrophy is delayed for another four years.

The big established parties are all bad traitors. I blame them and their actions to help raise AfD. They just [don’t?][don’t?=] give a fuck about the ordinary people, they’re only concerned about their private gain and power.

To a large degree, yes. But I think the media is also equally at fault. There was absolutely no reason to invite AfD people to every event and let them talk. This has been going on for over 10 years. When we give them a stage to spread their hate, are we really surprised that hate spreads 

I don’t know the answers to this desaster. I’m beginning to think that people literally just want an outlet for their frustration, nothing more. It’s not about what particular parties actually plan to do. At least I think this applies to people in their 30ies and 40ies.

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In-reply-to » Na, you're spot on, @movq! The result is an expected, terrible disaster. It just seems the absolute catastrophy is delayed for another four years.

The big established parties are all bad traitors. I blame them and their actions to help raise AfD. They just [don’t?][don’t?=] give a fuck about the ordinary people, they’re only concerned about their private gain and power.

To a large degree, yes. But I think the media is also equally at fault. There was absolutely no reason to invite AfD people to every event and let them talk. This has been going on for over 10 years. When we give them a stage to spread their hate, are we really surprised that hate spreads 

I don’t know the answers to this desaster. I’m beginning to think that people literally just want an outlet for their frustration, nothing more. It’s not about what particular parties actually plan to do. At least I think this applies to people in their 30ies and 40ies.

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In-reply-to » I heard that congratulations to Germany are in order, is that right? If so, congratulations! The outcome was to be expected but it’s still pretty catastrophic. Here’s an overview:


East Germany is dominated by AfD. Bavaria is dominated by CSU (it’s always been that way, but this is still a conservative/right party). Black is CDU, the other conservative/right party.

The guy who’s probably going to be chancellor recently insulted the millions of people who did demonstrations for peace/anti-right. “Idiots”, “they’re nuts”, stuff like that. This was before the election. He already earned the nickname “Mini Trump”.

Both the right and the left got more votes this time, but the left only gained 3.87 percentage points while the right (CDU/CSU + AfD) gained 14.72:


The Green party lost, SPD (“mid-left”) lost massively (worst result in their history). FDP also lost. These three were the previous government.

This isn’t looking good at all, especially when you think about what’s going to happen in the next 4 years. What will CDU (the winner) do? Will they be able to “turn the ship around”? Highly unlikely. They are responsible for the current situation (in large parts). They will continue to do business as usual. They will do anything but help poor/ordinary people. This means that AfD will only get stronger over the next 4 years.

Our only hope would be to ban AfD altogether. So far, nobody but non-profit organizations is willing to do that (for unknown reasons).

I don’t even know if banning the AfD would help (but it’s probably our best/only option). AfD politicians are nothing but spiteful, hateful, angry, similar to Trump/MAGA. If you’ve seen these people talk and still vote for them, then you must be absolutely filled with rage and hatred. Very concerning.

Correct me if I’m wrong,,,

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