
"Problems are Solved by Method" 🇦🇺👨‍💻👨‍🦯🏹♔ 🏓⚯ 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧🛥 -- James Mills (operator of / creator of 🧶)

Recent twts from prologic

Hmm one of my Hypervisor nodes has failed and I’ve had to rain its VMs and take it offline. Damn 😢

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In-reply-to » QOTD: Do you have a way to get back into your home network if you get locked out? I just accept that if shit™ breaks, there ain’t much I can do about it until I can. So that forces me to automate things as much as possible.

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In-reply-to » QOTD: Do you have a way to get back into your home network if you get locked out?

QOTD: Do you have a way to get back into your home network if you get locked out?

No. My network is firewalled and the only way into it is physically being on it.

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Woot! I got wolfssl and the wolfssl command-line tool compiled successfully and installed on µLinux 💪 Now I can do all sorts of crypto stuff, generate TLS keys, etc all from a tiny ~20MB Linux distro 🥳

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In-reply-to » My 400th Twtxt Post will be about you: wishing you, reader of my Twtxt feed, all the best for the coming year and most of all love, health, and that your projects and work may contribute to the greater good of all mankind. I will be taking a social-media break for a couple of weeks to enjoy this special time with my family. I hope you will be able to do this with your family and friends too. Hey! 👋 Wishhing you all the best too! Hope you have a great break with your family! See ya around 🤗

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In-reply-to » One benefit with bluesky is your username is also a website. And not a clunky URL with slashes and such. I wish twtxt adopted that. I have advocated for webfinger to for twtxt to let us do something like it with usernames. Nostr has something like it FWIW I do agre with you here. I think we should (Twtxt) agree to just use WebFinger and call it a day. It would solve so many problems.

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In-reply-to » What's the most common feature set on these tilde gists? 🤔 It’s not super important, I tagged you on IRC, but essentially I’m trying to build a tilde (shared linux host) thingy of some sort 😅 just experimenting with an idea I’ve had a while back. See for example working trivial “Hello World” at – The basic idea is that when you ssh -p 222 that you actually are put into a sandboxed container. The container is capable of being detached to keep long-running processes like tmux and whatever running with ^p^q (CTRL+p; CTRL+q) and all data stored in $HOME is persisted. Additionally $HOME/public_html is automatically mapped to the root’s web server. That’s about is so far…

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In-reply-to » Trying to get some custom T-shirts made. Ordered my first one with Media -- Let's see what eh quality of the print and T-shirt is before I make any more 😅 If it turns out alright, my daughter is going to do a few more designs for me! You’d be more than welcome to just click and purchase them of my portfolios when ready 🤣

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Neat! 👌 I have been hacking on sshbox and refactored it a fair bit to have much more flexible auth methods. In addition I also toyed around with the idea of having a shared (free) unix environment like some of the ones around (whose name eludes me right now 🤦‍♂️), with a couple of key differences and differentiators:

  • The environment you get is actually a Docker container
  • Based on Alpine, but customized.
  • Can persist/detach any background processes you want.
  • And reverse proxy to port 8000 in the container.

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In-reply-to » after I finish this letter to a relative, I think I'm gonna start rough-drafting an article about what I expect to get out of social media now The value is being able to communicate openly with one another and form social connections across the globe whilst at the same time, avoiding all this centralized or even distributed networking bullshit.

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