Enjoyed watching the movie Mighty Ducks (1992) on our family movie night.
I would like to drop Onedrive for Proton Drive and WhatsApp for Threema - I just need to convince my whole family to follow me with that.
Got my teeth cleaned professionally today and I am still feeling it. Recommendation is that I use an electric toothbrush… Health over sustainability I suppose.
Keep breathing and stay cool.
Cancelled Mastodon because the time spent on it could have been used for reading books instead and the level of interaction is not enough to keep me interested.
Your favourite social media platform should not be where you get your facts from. You get jokes and share with your friends, but facts they ain’t. Get your world news from actual news sources instead.
Happy New Year to the readers of my little Twtxt feed! Wishing you and are your family all the best.
My 400th Twtxt Post will be about you: wishing you, reader of my Twtxt feed, all the best for the coming year and most of all love, health, and that your projects and work may contribute to the greater good of all mankind. I will be taking a social-media break for a couple of weeks to enjoy this special time with my family. I hope you will be able to do this with your family and friends too.
Imagine if all computer UIs would act like the UI from my NAS system… I feel I need to be waiting for output from the machine like it’s 1973.
Did I write here already that the reason why I love Twtxt so much is that it works without having to compile, install anything extra. Just the bin applications that come with 95% of all operating systems and you’re good to read and participate, giving you have a domain name somewhere to host the twtxt.txt file.
Added TwtHash hashes to every message on my personal Twtxt HTML renderer. Code is not yet ready for prime-time. Need to work out some kinks still.
I have been on Twtxt for five years straight now. Hurray me.
My guilty pleasure: raisin bread with salted butter and a slice of gouda cheese
After many many years on Firefox, I am making the move to Vivaldi.