Well, thatâs another bug: The search https://twtxt.net/search?q=%22LOOOOL%2C+great+programming+tutorial+music%22 yields the wrong hash. It should have been poyndha instead.
@thecanine@twtxt.net Lol⊠I just donât change my default profile pictures. (Well, only when my teammates ask me to.)
@doesnm@doesnm.p.psf.lt Haha, thatâs great! :-D
They fixed it. :-D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8b7HFUXPqk
@thecanine@twtxt.net Some precious cloud space. Probably the Atlassian one.
How does one end up with an avatar of that weird size to begin with? :-D
@falsifian@www.falsifian.org Do you want me to reconfigure my nginx to look at the User-Agent
in order to serve you a different file for the time being? ;-) Good luck with your paper!
@movq@www.uninformativ.de Open-plan offices are just a giant mistake. Iâve never seen a single working one where people can actually concentrate. Except when I was the first one around in the morning.
@prologic@twtxt.net @bender@twtxt.net Looks like something for /dev/null.
. Submitting this writes @<domain url>
instead of @<nick url>
in the feed.
While I now have a somewhat working fix for it in yarnd (https://git.mills.io/yarnsocial/yarn/pulls/1232), I also have the feeling that I should fix literal formatting in lextwt as well. This also uncovered more bugs I believe: https://git.mills.io/yarnsocial/go-lextwt/pulls/28
But then there is also the question why the textarea is populated with @<url>
in the first place rather than @<nick url>
or yarndâs own @nick@domain
syntax. It indeed has to do something with whether I follow the mentioned feed or not.
Anyway, something to investigate for future Lyse or maybe @prologic@twtxt.net and/or @xuu@txt.sour.is. Gânight!
. Submitting this writes @<domain url>
instead of @<nick url>
in the feed.
Righto, must be some caching thing thatâs going on, too. Now, with JS enabled and a feed that I follow, hitting âReplyâ actually automatically enters @nick@domain
in the textarea. Submitting it correctly writes â@in the feed. Let's digâŠ
@bender@twtxt.net @prologic@twtxt.net I can reproduce this locally, too. But it doesnât matter if I follow the feed or not. With JS enabled, hitting âReplyâ opens a textarea with @<url>
. Submitting this writes @<domain url>
instead of @<nick url>
in the feed.
However, when I have JS disabled, âReplyâ jumps to the top of the page, but the the textarea is at the bottom. So, after scrolling down, the textarea is not filled with anything. Which is expected I reckon. Entering @nick@domain
or just @nick
resolves to the correct @<nick url>
in the feed.
@prologic@twtxt.net @movq@www.uninformativ.de I sadly agree.
@movq@www.uninformativ.de So true! Either Iâm hanging around with my direct teammates socializing in person in a meeting room or some other workmates are making so much noise in the open-plan office that I cannot concentrate at all. In any case, completely unproductive. :-D Luckily, I very rarely have to go to the office.
My hike today started off with a nice great spotted woodpecker right after the town sign. The -1°C didnât feel all that cold in the sun. Even on the flat, I had to open my jacket with the sun on my back. The biotope got dug over, thatâs now looking really sad. And they also fell a few large chestnuts. Surprisingly, there was actually snow on the mountain. Not much, maybe around three centimeters at most. It was melting and falling down the trees, which looked really cool. I enjoyed it a lot: https://lyse.isobeef.org/waldspaziergang-2025-02-04/
@bender@twtxt.net Bwhahahahaaaahaaaahaaaaahaaaaaaa! :-D Oh man, my cheeks are hurting and eyes are watering. :-D I love it!
@falsifian@www.falsifian.org Yes! The first part about the history was my favorite. Not that the second one about finding life on Mars wasnât interesting, no, not at all! But maybe itâs just that Earth is a bit more relatable. :-) Iâm sure they will dig up something eventually.
@eapl.me@eapl.me Hahahahaa, this is truly brilliant! :-D The file descriptor slider is funny as heck! :-D
@movq@www.uninformativ.de The light pollution map reports red for my town. Thatâs fairly accurate, Iâd say. The view from home is not all that great. Yeah, I can see Ursa Major and a bunch of other stars. Maybe even some satellites. But thereâs definitely a sky glow at the horizon.
When I leave town, I can see a bit more. However, it doesnât compare to the alps or even some rural parts in Australia. The latter was by far the craziest Iâve ever seen in my life. Looked like a space telescope photo in person. Soooooooooooooo many stars and the band of the milky way was easily visible to the naked eye. Up until then, I didnât even know this was remotely possible down on earth. Absolutely stunning. :-)
@sorenpeter@darch.dk It depends on your requirements. If you just want to put your code somewhere for yourself, simply push it over SSH on a server and call it good. Thatâs what I do with lots of repos. If you want an additional web UI for read access for the public, cgit comes to mind (a mate uses that). Prologic runs Gitea, which offers heaps more functionality like merge requests.
That was a super interesting talk, I can recommend it: https://media.ccc.de/v/38c3-microbes-vs-mars-a-hacker-s-guide-to-finding-alien-life
@prologic@twtxt.net Go just moved back to second place. :-)
@movq@www.uninformativ.de Nice! I would have missed the plane if you hadnât pointed it out. :-) Venus is very visible these days. When a mate and I went on a night walk during clear sky this week, the night sky looked really great, it was easy to spot the second planet. We got lucky, ISS just passed above our heads, too. Most of the week, it was cloudy, though.
@movq@www.uninformativ.de Hahaha, thatâs a good one! :-D I came across this one before, but couldnât remember the answer.
@prologic@twtxt.net Yes, C has it. I even thought that C invented it, but it seems to stem from CPL.
The closest to get to if expressions at the moment is to use a lambda:
foo := func() {
if bar {
return "spam"
return "eggs"
But thatâs also not elegant at all.
@arne@uplegger.eu Auweia! WĂ€râs da nicht sinnvoller, von dem Ding möglichst zĂŒgig wegzukommen? Ich hab keine Ahnung, was es da heutzutage so an tauglichen Alternativen gibt. Aber selbst alles selber zu bauen, wĂ€r da ja mittelfristig weniger aufwĂ€ndig, wenn man das mit dem stĂ€ndigen Zusammenkehren der Scherbenhaufen vergleicht.
@thecanine@twtxt.net Thatâs one of the cool properties, you can use it at whatever frequency you like.
@arne@uplegger.eu Jepp, sehr gute Wahl! :-)
@xuu@txt.sour.is I think I also ran into CSRF problems with multiple open yarnd tabs in the past.
@xuu@txt.sour.is Ah, it was JS then. Thanks. :-)
@movq@www.uninformativ.de Okay, cool. :-) Iâll look at Mutt this year. I have the feeling I might like it after some initial pain.
@movq@www.uninformativ.de Fingers crossed! :-)
@thecanine@twtxt.net Itâs always nice to look at your creations.
Oh yeah, @aelaraji@aelaraji.com, electrostatic cat fur to the rescue! :-D
operator in Go đ No. For so many reasons.
@prologic@twtxt.net Which one? I donât mind the ternary operator at all. In fact, I often find myself missing it in Go. I donât find the two alternatives particularly elegant:
foo := "eggs"
if bar {
foo = "spam"
var foo string
if bar {
foo = "spam"
} else {
foo = "eggs"
To my eye, this just would look a lot nicer:
foo := bar ? "spam" : "eggs"
Or at least as the Pythons do it:
foo = "spam" if bar else "eggs"
The ternary operator especially shines with relatively short expressions.
@arne@uplegger.eu Ohjemine, TYPO3! O_o Lass mich schreiend davonlaufen!
Mit dieser absoluten Katastrophensoftware vor dem Herrn haben wir mal ein Studienprojekt gemacht. Die hat alle Vorurteile komplett ĂŒbererfĂŒllt. Angefangen von Fehlerseiten, die statt 4xx oder dergleichen immer mit HTTP 200 ausgeliefert wurden oder auch, dass das generierte HTML leider einfach ungĂŒltig war. Ăber die Implementierung von Löschen durch einen Deleted-Schalter in der Datenbank, das Speichern von Passwörtern im Klartext bis hin zu völlig umstĂ€ndlichen Bedienungskonzepten. Alles hat immer brutal viele Schritte gebraucht. Das Zeilennummernrumgeeier im TYPO-Script erinnerte eher an Basic. Uns kam es auch so vor, als ob man damit nicht ernsthaft was sinnvolles machen könnte.
Zu allem Ăberfluss hatte irgendwer noch ein ganz hundsmiserables Buch ausgegraben, das als Vorbereitung dienen sollte. Ich kann mich zum GlĂŒck weder an den Titel noch den Autor erinnern, aber ich weiĂ noch, wie das komplett inkonsistent geschrieben war. Anfangs gabs mehrere Seiten zu Unicode und UTF-8 wurde angepriesen, aber alle Beispiele haben dann auf ISO-8859-1 gesetzt. Gezeigter Beispielcode war hĂ€ufig unterste Schublade. Selten hab ich so merkwĂŒrdige ErklĂ€rungen gelesen: âWenn Sie die Sicherheitswarnhinweise stören, kommentieren Sie doch bitte im Quelltext die die()
-Funktion in $ZEILE
aus.â Oder ein anderer Klassiker: âAusgeschrieben wĂŒrde der Code wohl folgendes tunâŠâ. War sich der Autor also nicht ganz sicher, ob sein Codeschnipsel vllt. doch in Wahrheit was ganz anderes tut.
Seit diesem gigantischen Trauma (das hat mich wirklich sehr nachhaltig geprÀgt, wie man Dinge nicht machen sollte) hab ich erfolgreich einen Bogen um das TYPO3-Universum gemacht.
Ich kann nur hoffen, dass es zwischenzeitlich ein wenig besser geworden ist. Aber Deinem Kurzbericht zufolge scheint da ja immer noch der Wurm drin zu sein. Mein Beileid! :-(
@movq@www.uninformativ.de Thatâs an interesting setup! What MUA do you use?
@movq@www.uninformativ.de So, the building renovation finally started?
Rats! @aelaraji@aelaraji.com, you need an emergency hamster and a wheel attached to a bicycle dynamoâŠ
Fingers crossed that this doesnât happen a third time today.
If people just wrote error free code to begin with, there would be no need for error handling! :-P
No, honestly, I donât think that there is anything wrong with the current approach. I donât see any wins of any of the proposals Iâve come across.
@arne@uplegger.eu Hahaha! :-D
operator in Go đ No. For so many reasons.
@kat@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz You mean the ?
as suffix for boolean returning functions or as ternary operator (condition ? true_value : false_value
Interestingly, I just had to look up the first case. I was under the wrong impression that the question mark at the end would be some shortcut for chained function or method calls that handles nil
return values in a graceful way without actually dereferencing and thus crashing. I probably never wrote more than 30Â lines of Ruby in my entire life. Must have been some other language.
@kat@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz Haha, I see. :-)
Even after fixing yesterdayâs mail server TLS certificate renewal incident (main hostname was not included) my KMail did not want to receive e-mails anymore. I had to restart Akonadi now in order to make this work again. I really should look at mutt one day.
@arne@uplegger.eu Eis im Januar, ja sapperlott, ist denn schon wieder Sommer im hohen Norden!?
@kat@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz Something is broken with the TLS:
$ curl https://remix.girlonthemoon.xyz
curl: (35) error:14094438:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:tlsv1 alert internal error
operator in Go đ No. For so many reasons.
@prologic@twtxt.net I donât like it either. Too much magic, that only works in certain cases.
@movq@www.uninformativ.de No, I donât think so. But I just looked it up. And yes, that sounds a bit creepy. I certainly heard similar calls, maybe it even was a heron. I donât know.
Thatâs a cool comparision of an obstacle run with a knight, fire fighter and soldier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAzI1UvlQqw
@sorenpeter@darch.dk Thanks mate, I got really lucky with this one. :-)