
"Yeah, well, I'm gonna go build my own theme park. With blackjack and hookers! In fact, forget the park."

Recent twts from bender
In-reply-to » The Facebook Messenger Android app user experience: 1) App fails to update, so you have to reinstall it. 2) You login and have to accept all the bullish terms of service again. 3) The loading wheel gets stuck so you have to restart the app and do it all a second time. 4) It tries to download your language and fails, so you have to click "download again" and wait for the app to slowly crunch everything together. 5) Now you can finally use the fucking webapp. “Now you can finally use the fucking webapp.” LOL. So glad I don’t have to deal with all that!

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In-reply-to » Bought a motorcycle this summer, I did not want two cars, and Marlyn would like to have the car more when I'm at work. So I bought a new cheap motorcycle, KTM Adventure 390. It's been 10 years since I last had a motorcycle (back then I had a KTM 990cc). Here I am with my daughter on the new bike :) My kids love to go for rides, so does Marlyn as well, so it's a lot of fun for all of us. Media

@stigatle that’s so cool! Wish family would let me buy a bike; they fear too much for my life to allow. LOL.

That bike is $8,000 here. Cheap, but not too cheap! The gear you are wearing (boots, gloves, pants and jackets, and helmets) aren’t cheap here either! Fun hobby, nevertheless. :-) Enjoy, and ride with care!

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In-reply-to » he emailed my ISP about causing logging abuse. This is the only real ISP in my area, its gonna basically send me back to dialup. wow, such a remote place, eh? I imagine you living somewhere in the Himalayas, driving to town once every couple of months to resupply.

Don’t get me wrong, it is attractive, until my Internets are threaten. Then all bets are off. 😂

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In-reply-to » Went for a walk onto my backyard mountain again and ate the first three wild blackberries of the season. Watching the sunset unfold from the summit was quite spectacular. The solar disk was glowing extremely blood red. The photos show it way too white, though. lovely! I would have picked this one as a cover.


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In-reply-to » Hack of the day: running watch -n 60 rm -rf /tmp/yarn-avatar-* in a tmux because all of a sudden, without warning, yarnd started throwing hundreds of gigabytes of files with names like yarn-avatar-62582554 into /tmp, which filled up the entire disk and started crashing other services. that’s so weird! I wonder what in the world is causing it. Hopefully has an insight.

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In-reply-to » @bender Thank you :) Yeah I've been silent for a while, been so much work and other things to focus on, but now I have vacation, so I missed this place, and wanted to bring it up to speed here as well :)

@stigatle I am guilty of being silent myself. I have been more active on the Fediverse these days. Having a super easy to run ActivityPub server helps! :-)

welcome back!

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In-reply-to » The “Matrix Experiment”, i.e. running a Matrix server for our family, has failed completely and miserably. People don’t accept it. They attribute unrelated things to it, like “I can’t send messages to you, I don’t reach you! It doesn’t work!” Yes, you do, I get those messages, I just don’t reply quickly enough because I’m at work or simply doing something else.

Related to this.

“Some users experienced message delivery delays beginning last night that primarily impacted linked devices like Signal Desktop. We just deployed a fix. Affected users might see failed delivery notices while Signal automatically catches up. We apologize for the inconvenience!”

Source: Signal Fediverse account

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In-reply-to » Are we over Crowdstrike yet? đŸ€”đŸ€Ł Have We forgotten about it? 😅 well

“And for that, we send our heartfelt thanks and apologies for the inconvenience,” the email read, according to a screenshot shared by the source. The same email was also posted on X by someone else. “To express our gratitude, your next cup of coffee or late night snack is on us!”

Source: Techcrunch

With apology offers like these, who would remember? đŸ€Ł

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In-reply-to » @bender sometimes having the open honest and transparent conversation and discussion is more valuable than anything to be individually gained. 😅 it helps us learn! that works fine when interacting with people you know–and they know you–well. On The Tubes it’s easy to be misunderstood, or getting a tone other than the intended applied to your message. It easy devolves into a “plonkable” stage. 😅

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In-reply-to » Today is one of those days where I’m really grumpy and have typed out lots and lots of rants. Luckily, I all deleted them in the end instead of sending them. 😂 I do that constantly, on the Fediverse. I often type long replies, disagreeing, or agreeing with someone, read it over and over, just to realise there isn’t anything to gain by it, and scrape it.

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In-reply-to » The end-to-end encryption means very little if you have your messages backed up in iCloud because the encryption keys are also stored with the messages in iCloud according to this FBI document. If that's the case, Apple can definitely read your messages as well as (obviously) any government agency who can make a legal request to Apple.

Small extract:

“Conceptually, Advanced Data Protection is simple: All CloudKit Service keys that were generated on device and later uploaded to the available-after-authentication iCloud Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) in Apple data centers are deleted from those HSMs and instead kept entirely within the account’s iCloud Keychain protection domain. They are handled like the existing end-to-end encrypted service keys, which means Apple can no longer read or access these keys.”

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In-reply-to » The end-to-end encryption means very little if you have your messages backed up in iCloud because the encryption keys are also stored with the messages in iCloud according to this FBI document. If that's the case, Apple can definitely read your messages as well as (obviously) any government agency who can make a legal request to Apple. see Advanced Data Protection for iCloud, and how to enabled it.

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In-reply-to » @bender Messages (formally known as iMessages) has always lacked e2e encryption though and often falls back to using SMS which is worse for security and privacy. -- OTOH this might be all changing for the better with Google lounging for a new standard? đŸ€” (Although I do have to wonder: "What's in it for Google?")

Another URL that breaks the parser. đŸ˜±

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In-reply-to » @bender Messages (formally known as iMessages) has always lacked e2e encryption though and often falls back to using SMS which is worse for security and privacy. -- OTOH this might be all changing for the better with Google lounging for a new standard? đŸ€” (Although I do have to wonder: "What's in it for Google?") Messages are [e2e encrypted](,they%20can’t%20be%20accessed%20without%20your%20passcode.). SMS/MMS are not, but that’s not Apple’s fault. You can configure it, so it doesn’t fall back to SMS/MMS if that’s what you want.

Apple isn’t implementing RCS because of Google (which, arguably, doesn’t even support it). 😂

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In-reply-to » The “Matrix Experiment”, i.e. running a Matrix server for our family, has failed completely and miserably. People don’t accept it. They attribute unrelated things to it, like “I can’t send messages to you, I don’t reach you! It doesn’t work!” Yes, you do, I get those messages, I just don’t reply quickly enough because I’m at work or simply doing something else.

I tried Signal, and I didn’t like it. I don’t like the interface, I don’t like one has to rely on a relatively small company infrastructure. It has bugs, and issues: sometimes messages will deliver, sometimes they will not.

Nothing has been more stable for me (as an Apple user, that is) than Messages. It comes with the OS, it is beautiful, and it just works.

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In-reply-to » @prologic @bender It’s a twtxt feed that anyone can post to via Gopher: gopher:// I think the fact we can see posts from it in here ( is odd. It means someone (withing this Yarn pod?) follows it, no?

I asked and got no answer, but I wonder if there is admin-only tool built-in on Yarn, that allows the admin to search which user(s) follow a certain feed (for moderation purposes, or otherwise).

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In-reply-to » The “Matrix Experiment”, i.e. running a Matrix server for our family, has failed completely and miserably. People don’t accept it. They attribute unrelated things to it, like “I can’t send messages to you, I don’t reach you! It doesn’t work!” Yes, you do, I get those messages, I just don’t reply quickly enough because I’m at work or simply doing something else. I feel your pain like my own. No matter what I do, I am always outnumbered by the ignoramus in the family. It is like bashing one’s head on a brick wall.

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In-reply-to » Jesus christ, America. đŸ«€

Breaking news: Mike Pence (former Trump’s Vice-president) consoles former President Trump, noting: “I know what it’s like to have someone try to take your life.”

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