In-reply-to » git-bug I can’t pretend to understand the guts since I just found it and only tinkered with it for a few minutes. But I can say that git bug push did this:

remote: Updating references: 100% (1/1)           
remote: Updating references: 100% (1/1)        19cf0dc6b52363cf5b8032755b16a5 -> refs/identities/af97ed38e619cf0dc6b52363cf5b8032755b16a5remote: Updating references: 100% (1/1)           
 * [new reference]   refs/bugs/00fd29b9f50294a64ad72c039a7340b5863d7907 -> refs/bugs/00fd29b9f50294a64ad72c039a7340b5863d7907

So it puts stuff in $DIR/.git/refs. It creates a cache directory too.

I have to say, it’s surprisingly full-featured given that it’s pre 1.0 and the main author warns that there be dragons here (though not so surprising given that there are over 2,000 commits!). You can do the entire create/label/comment on/push/pull/clear bug workflow entirely on the CLI with git subcommands, which is how I’d probably use it were I to adopt this. The webui looks remarkably like github/gitea/etc if you’re into that.

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