In-reply-to » Hmm, I just noticed that the feed template seems to be broken on your yarnd instance, @kat. Looking at your raw feed file (and your mates as well), line 6 reads:

Anyway… Sounds like there is a bug with the version logic. I’ll see if I can fix it.

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In-reply-to » Hmm, I just noticed that the feed template seems to be broken on your yarnd instance, @kat. Looking at your raw feed file (and your mates as well), line 6 reads: Building from source and from the main branch is totally fine. In fact encouraged. I have a philosophy of main being stable anyway and making sure backwards compatibility is kept in mind when changing things. i.e: No database migrations to run by hand or what not.

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In-reply-to » @doesnm I see problems with that, that do not exist on my approach. You could see,, and the feed has no nick. What is the nick?

I mean, since most feeds are named twtxt.txt, following your recommendation, there could be many “twtxt” nicks. 😀

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In-reply-to » What say you @movq @lyse / @darch @andros (new client author)? 🤔 Shall I PR this up?

although I agree that it helps, I don’t see completely correct to leave the nick definition to the source .txt. It could be wrong from the start or outdated with the time.

I’d rather prefer to get it from the mentioned .txt nick metadata (could be cached for performance).
So my vote would to make it mandatory to follow @<name url> but only using that name/nick if the URL doesn’t contain another nick.
A main advantage is that when the destination URL changes the nick, it’ll be automagically updated in the thread view (as happens with some other microblogging platforms, following the Jakob’s Law)

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In-reply-to » 🤔 Prosoal: Disallowed the @<url> form of mentions. Strictly require that all mentions include a nickname/name; i.e: @<name url>.

word of the thay, prosoal
Is it a typo of Proposal right? =P (Genuinely asking)

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In-reply-to » 🤔 Prosoal: Disallowed the @<url> form of mentions. Strictly require that all mentions include a nickname/name; i.e: @<name url>. If you’ve got the feed URL in yarnd’s cache, you can easily look up a missing nick. If you can’t find it, just show the URL (or maybe just the domain name to be halfway consistent with this @nick@domain thing that yarnd invented) and be done. It’s really that simple.

When yarnds peer with each other, the odds of actually having come across that feed URL in the past are higher than with traditional clients that only have their local set of subscribed feeds. One additional improvment would be to also look at all the mentions and see if somebody used a nick for that URL and go with that.

Yeah, yarnd currently renders some really weird shit when the mention contains just a URL, but I’d call that a bug for sure.

Personally, I do not like the @nick@domain syntax at all. It looks silly to my eyes. What might have also contributed is the fact of this mentions syntax gotten screwed up so many times by yarnd in the past. But that’s a totally different topic.

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In-reply-to » @prologic i thought i was going insane when i saw blank posts on my TL i was like is noscript fucking with me again but no it's you guys fucking around LOLLLL It most certainly was us fucking around 🤣🤣 Turns out to be a side-effect of the way the Twt Subject extension is implemented in yarnd and now apparently jenny 🤣🤣 Where it strips out the subject from the displayed/rendered content. Which is what you want… But oh well haha 😆

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In-reply-to » good morning yarn friends. we need a funny name for yarn posters. what's something that fits the yarn theme.... i mean we quite literally have threads here. yarn threads. how epic is that. now us posters need a funny name too. Haha, that’s why we came up with the name “yarn” and “yarn social”. A yarn is an Australian and Canadian (and a few other places) term that means “to have a friendly conversation”, “to have a chat”. Usually around a campfire 🔥

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In-reply-to » 🤔 Prosoal: Disallowed the @<url> form of mentions. Strictly require that all mentions include a nickname/name; i.e: @<name url>.

Was there ever a reason to do that? 🤔

I’m not sure to be honest. I have no idea why you’d ever want to do a “nameless”

As an aside, if we could all agree, I’d personally just say we scrap this whole fragile broken shit and bring out WebMentions and be done with it. And then mentions are always @nick@domain and looked up, cached and can never be screwed up haha 🤣

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In-reply-to » 🤔 Prosoal: Disallowed the @<url> form of mentions. Strictly require that all mentions include a nickname/name; i.e: @<name url>.

What’s the motivation for deprecation?

Namely that without the mention having a label (as such) it becomes very hard to render it in any sane/nice way. I think we should just stick to @<label url> personally. It makes implementations have to worry about far less edge cases.

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In-reply-to » Shit in my life has been spiraling out of control at an unbelievable rate. And just when you think life can't get shittier it dumps an even bigger N° 2 on yO face.

Thanks, I’m trying my best. Also, nice to meet you (and welcome back?), never seen you around before. 🙌

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Hmm, I just noticed that the feed template seems to be broken on your yarnd instance, Looking at your raw feed file (and your mates as well), line 6 reads:

# This is hosted by a pod yarn running yarnd ERSION@OMMIT  go1.23.4

Looks like the first letters of the version and commit got somehow chopped off. I’ve no idea what happened here, maybe knows something. :-? I’m not familiar with the templating, I just recall reporting in IRC the other day that he’s also having great fun with his custom preamble from time to time.

That “broken” comment doesn’t hurt anything, it’s still a proper comment and hence ignored by clients. It’s just odd, that’s all.

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The editor can launch a new shell now:

Trivial to implement but super useful. It allows for simple but meaningful dev cycles: Edit source code, run/test it, back to editor. That’s what I do in the video.

(The Brainfuck program is silly, but I got nothing else at the moment.)

The I/O cache is also getting better. All that back and forth doesn’t hit the disk at all, once cached.

This whole thing is much more fun and interesting when you run it from a real floppy disk. It’s a 5.25” floppy in the video (so it’s actually floppy 😅). Disk seek times can be catastrophic and you don’t notice any of this on modern disks.

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In-reply-to » 🤔 Prosoal: Disallowed the @<url> form of mentions. Strictly require that all mentions include a nickname/name; i.e: @<name url>.

tt currently supports all three forms: @<nick url>, @<url> and even the illegal @<nick>. The difference between the last two is whether the token in angle brackets looks like a URL or not. Whenever a nick is available, the nick is rendered. In case there is just a URL, it tries to resolve the nick from the subscriptions. If that also does not work, it displays the URL.

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good morning yarn friends. we need a funny name for yarn posters. what’s something that fits the yarn theme…. i mean we quite literally have threads here. yarn threads. how epic is that. now us posters need a funny name too.

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In-reply-to » 🤔 Prosoal: Disallowed the @<url> form of mentions. Strictly require that all mentions include a nickname/name; i.e: @<name url>. Well, the original Twtxt Specification explicitly allows for the short form with just a URL and no nick:

Mentions are embedded within the text in either @<source.nick source.url> or @<source.url> format […][…=]

I’d just continue supporting it, even though I don’t see it all that often in the wild. I guess more common is the case where just a nick is given, which is illegal. But yarnd users seem to produce it every now and then.

What’s the motivation for deprecation?

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