Yarn could the twtxt I want more then regular twtxt. Though I do like not having to host a yarn pod.

That client looks really cool. A web client that connects to a regular twtxt without the need to host a full yarn pod for just one user and feed.
What is the difference between twtxt-php and timeline from sorenpeter? Does it have a way to follow feeds from the web ui?

I was looking at it and what prevents someone from downloading the .config file and getting the password? Also how would I generate a totp password to use?
I should try to host that it might be the right not a full on yarn pod but also can post from my phone.

The weird thing is in my server logs it shows that your site pulled in the useragent as https://eapl.me/twtxt/?url=https%3A//neotxt.dk/user/darch/twtxt.txt with bytesypider from bytedance? That sounds weird. Plus I can’t grep just twtxt in my logs and find your feed.

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