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Recent twts from movq
In-reply-to » (replyto 2024-09-15T12:50:17Z) @sorenpeter I like this idea. Just for fun, I'm using a variant in this twt. (Also because I'm curious how it non-hash subjects appear in jenny and yarn.)

(Or maybe I’m talking nonsense. That’s known to happen. I’ll go to bed. 😂)

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In-reply-to » Hey, @movq, a tiny thing to add to jenny, a -v switch. That way when you twtxt "That’s an older format that was used before jenny version v23.04", I can go and run jenny -v, and "duh!" myself on the way to a git pull. :-D Printing a version? I’ll think about it. 🤔

It would be easy to do for releases, but it’s a little hard to do for all the commits in between – jenny has no build process, so there’s no easy way to incorporate the output of git describe, for example.

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In-reply-to » (replyto 2024-09-15T12:50:17Z) @sorenpeter I like this idea. Just for fun, I'm using a variant in this twt. (Also because I'm curious how it non-hash subjects appear in jenny and yarn.)

I’m not advocating in either direction, btw. I haven’t made up my mind yet. 😅 Just braindumping here.

The (replyto:…) proposal is definitely more in the spirit of twtxt, I’d say. It’s much simpler, anyone can use it even with the simplest tools, no need for any client code. That is certainly a great property, if you ask me, and it’s things like that that brought me to twtxt in the first place.

I’d also say that in our tiny little community, message integrity simply doesn’t matter. Signed feeds don’t matter. I signed my feed for a while using GPG, someone else did the same, but in the end, nobody cares. The community is so tiny, there’s enough “implicit trust” or whatever you want to call it.

If twtxt/Yarn was to grow bigger, then this would become a concern again. But even Mastodon allows editing, so how much of a problem can it really be? 😅

I do have to “admit”, though, that hashes feel better. It feels good to know that we can clearly identify a certain twt. It feels more correct and stable.


I suspect that the (replyto:…) proposal would work just as well in practice.

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In-reply-to » (replyto 2024-09-15T12:50:17Z) @sorenpeter I like this idea. Just for fun, I'm using a variant in this twt. (Also because I'm curious how it non-hash subjects appear in jenny and yarn.)

  • editing, if you don’t care about message integrity

So that’s the big question, because that’s the only real difference between hashes and the (replyto:…) proposal.

Do we care about message integrity?

With (replyto:…), someone could write a twt, then I reply to it, like “you’re absolutely right!”, and then that person could change their twt to something malicious like “the earth is flat!” And then it would look like I’m a nutcase agreeing with that person. 😅

Hashes (in their current form) prevent that. The thread is broken and my reply clearly refers to something else. That’s good, right?

But now take into account that we want to allow editing anyway. Is there even a point to using hashes anymore? Isn’t message integrity ignored anyway now, at least in practice?

There’s no difference (in practice) between someone writing

2024-09-18T12:34Z    Brds are great!

and then editing it to either

2024-09-18T12:34Z    (original:#12379) Birds are great!  (Whoops, fixed a typo.)


2024-09-18T12:34Z    (original:#12379) The earth is flat!

The actual original message is (potentially) gone. The only thing that we can be sure of now is that the twt was edited in some way. Essentially, the actual twt message is no longer part of the hash, is it? What does #12379 refer to? The edited message or the original one? We want it to refer to the edited one, because we don’t want to break threads, so … what’s the point of using a hash?

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Regarding jenny development: There have been enough changes in the last few weeks, imo. I want to let things settle for a while (potential bugfixes aside) and then I’m going to cut a new release.

And I guess the release after that is going to include all the threading/hashing stuff – if we can decide on one of the proposals. 😂

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In-reply-to » Could someone knowledgable reply with the steps a grandpa will take to calculate the hash of a twtxt from the CLI, using out-of-the-box tools? I swear I read about it somewhere, but can't find it. Looks like your shell didn’t turn the \n into actual newlines:

$ echo -n "\n2020-07-18T12:39:52Z\nHello World! 😊" | openssl dgst -blake2s256 -binary | base32 | tr -d '=' | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' | tail -c 7
$ printf "\\n2020-07-18T12:39:52Z\\nHello World! 😊" | openssl dgst -blake2s256 -binary | base32 | tr -d '=' | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' | tail -c 7

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In-reply-to » An alternate idea for supporting (properly) Twt Edits is to denoate as such and extend the meaning of a Twt Subject (which would need to be called something better?); For example, let's say I produced the following Twt: So the feed would contain two twts, right?

2024-09-18T23:08:00+10:00	Hllo World
2024-09-18T23:10:43+10:00	(edit:#229d24612a2) Hello World

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In-reply-to » When will I learn to not look at my work’s smartphone in my free time? 😂 Opened the corporate chat, instant regret. I don’t get paid for “standing by” and “waiting for a call”, that’s right. But I’m fine with that, because I don’t have to be available, either. 😅 If someone were to call me (or send me a text message), I wouldn’t be obliged to help them out. If I have the time and energy, I will do it, though. And that extra time will be paid.

It works for us because there are enough people around and there’s a good chance that someone will be able to help.

Really, I am glad that we have this model. The alternative would be actual on-call duty, like, this week you’re the poor bastard who is legally required to fix shit. That’s just horrible, I don’t want that. 😅

What I was referring to in the OP: Sometimes I check the workphone simply out of curiosity. 😂

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In-reply-to » Now WTF!? Suddenly, @falsifian's feed renders broken in my tt Python implementation. Exactly what I had with my Go rewrite. I haven't touched the Python stuff in ages, though. Also, tt and tt2 do not share any data at all. text/plain without an explicit charset is still just US-ASCII:

The default character set, which must be assumed in the absence of a charset parameter, is US-ASCII.

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In-reply-to » When will I learn to not look at my work’s smartphone in my free time? 😂 Opened the corporate chat, instant regret. It’s not “true” oncall duty (I don’t do that anymore, it fucks up your life and health), but more of an unwritten rule that sysadmins should have a smartphone. If there is an emergency and I happen to have time to help, I will. But nobody can force me to. So far, it works for us.

And, well, I also need that thing for 2FA. 😅

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In-reply-to » @falsifian You will actually find that they work perfectly fine. They just tend to have little value I think. Most of our clients do support them, jenny,ttandyarnd... No, wait, I removed something else. But I think it was never supported in the first place. 😅 Probably because nobody used it (which is probably because you didn’t implement a UI for them 😅).

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i hope we don’t go chasing mass-appeal

I don’t think this is going to happen any time soon.

What makes twtxt unique is its radical technical simplicity. And that means you have to be a tech-savvy person to appreciate twtxt and that means mass-appeal is pretty much out of the question to begin with. 😅

Yarn adds a lot of user-friendliness and, in a way, does try to appeal to the masses. And it almost worked. When Twitter died, we saw a substantial influx of new users, didn’t we? Only problem is, Mastodon had a massive headstart. The Fediverse was already huge, so what did Yarn/twtxt have to offer? It is way simpler and way easier to self-host, but who cares about that? Right, the tech-savvy people, not the masses. Many of the tech-savvy people were already using Mastodon, though, and, frankly, “simplicity” is not something that a lot of folks even care about. Thus Yarn/twtxt never took off.

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In-reply-to » This scheme also only support threading off a specific Twt of someone's feed. What if you're not replying to anyone in particular? Yeah, that thing with (#hash;#originalHash) would also work.

Maybe I’m being a bit too purist/minimalistic here. As I said before (in one of the 1372739 posts on this topic – or maybe I didn’t even send that twt, I don’t remember 😅), I never really liked hashes to begin with. They aren’t super hard to implement but they are kind of against the beauty of the original twtxt – because you need special client support for them. It’s not something that you could write manually in your twtxt.txt file. With’s proposal, though, that would be possible.

I don’t know … maybe it’s just me. 🥴

I’m also being a bit selfish, to be honest: Implementing (#hash;#originalHash) in jenny for editing your own feed would not be a no-brainer. (Editing is already kind of unsupported, actually.) It wouldn’t be a problem to implement it for fetching other people’s feeds, though.

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In-reply-to » This scheme also only support threading off a specific Twt of someone's feed. What if you're not replying to anyone in particular?

Your propose scheme while simple doesn’t do this.

It doesn’t do that because it’s not taking the content of a twt into account (only its timestamp). Okay. But the mere fact that we’re talking about “how to solve the edit problem” stems from using content addressing – so maybe content addressing isn’t the best thing to use here? 🤔

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In-reply-to » @lyse and @movq and possibly @aelaraji and even @cuaxolotl -- I'm very curious to understand and hear thoughts, pros and cons or other feelings about introducing the notation of a feed's identify using cryptography? If we were to keep things simple, and use what's commonly available, for example SSH ED25519 keys? using the ssh-keygen -Y sign or ssh-keygen -Y verify tools already available? Maybe in combination with @xuu 's idea of generating a random unique ID for your feed, say # id = and signing it with your ED25519 key? 🔑 I’m very torn on this.

It’s a cool idea and it’s cool technology. It would (probably) even be fun to implement.

But do we need it? Or rather, does twtxt need it? What problem are you trying to solve – are people migrating their feeds to new URLs all the time? 🤔 That’s rather rare in my experience. The URL as the primary identifier of a feed works fine for me.

Maybe I just don’t understand the problem well enough yet? 🤔

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In-reply-to » (#o) @prologic this was your first twtxt. Cool! :-P

Since jenny can’t fetch archived twtxts

I wiped my entire maildir and re-fetched everything. I did that recently because asked me to 😅, but I guess I also did this back in 2023.

What did you do to make yours work?

jenny does fetch archived feeds during the normal jenny -f operation. Only when using the recently implemented --fetch-context, archived feeds are not fetched (yet). That was an oversight and I intend to fix that.

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In-reply-to » (#o) @prologic this was your first twtxt. Cool! :-P Ahh, I see:

Message-Id: <o6dsrga>

That’s an older format that was used before jenny version v23.04. It should look like this nowadays:

Message-Id: <o6dsrga@twtxt>

Changelog entry from back then:

v23.04  2023-04-19
  - The format of the "Message-Id" and "In-Reply-To" headers has
    changed. They now need an "@twtxt" suffix to be more compliant with
    RFC(2)822. This fixes issues when using aerc
    ( as a frontend instead of mutt.

    If you want to retain compatibility with existing files in your
    maildir, you must manually add this suffix to these headers. (Or go
    ahead and re-sync everything.)

I guess I could have added backwards compatibility to the code. Maybe I’ll fix that later. 🤔

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The bug in jenny that found:

Jenny has to look for the metadata fields, it must find the # prev = ... line. To do so, I naively wrote something along these lines:

for line in content.splitlines():
    if line.startswith('# prev = '):

Problem is, we use \u2028 a lot in twtxt feeds and Python interprets those as line separators as well. That’s not what we want here. Jenny must only split at a \n.

Now had a quote/copy of some of his metadata fields in a twt. Like so:

# prev = foo bar

Perfectly legitimate, but now jenny found the # prev = twice (once in the actual header, once in a twt), didn’t know what to do, and thus did not fetch the archived feeds. 🤦

Should be fixed in this commit:

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In-reply-to » Something odd just happened to my twtxt timeline... A bunch of twts dissapered, others were marked to be deleted in mutt. so I nuked my whole twtxt Maildir and deleted my ~/.cache/jenny in order to start with a fresh Pull. I pulled feed as usual. Now like HALF the twts aren't there 😂 even my my last replay. WTF IS GOING ON? 🤣🤣🤣

This is a bug in jenny. 🤦

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In-reply-to » That's an interesting side effect to the new Discover feature that I added sometime ago that only displays one post per feed. That is when you're not logged in and viewing my pod's front page. You can pretty easily and roughly see what the monthly active view account is just by looking at the pager size. 🤔 Oh so that’s how it works? The front page only shows the latest twt of each feed? 🤔

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In-reply-to » Something odd just happened to my twtxt timeline... A bunch of twts dissapered, others were marked to be deleted in mutt. so I nuked my whole twtxt Maildir and deleted my ~/.cache/jenny in order to start with a fresh Pull. I pulled feed as usual. Now like HALF the twts aren't there 😂 even my my last replay. WTF IS GOING ON? 🤣🤣🤣

No, something is fishy. It didn’t fetch’s archived feeds and now only 969 of his twts are in my maildir. 🤔

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In-reply-to » Something odd just happened to my twtxt timeline... A bunch of twts dissapered, others were marked to be deleted in mutt. so I nuked my whole twtxt Maildir and deleted my ~/.cache/jenny in order to start with a fresh Pull. I pulled feed as usual. Now like HALF the twts aren't there 😂 even my my last replay. WTF IS GOING ON? 🤣🤣🤣 Yep, I just tried. It’s not that easy to verify, though. 😅 It looks fine to me. The number of twts in the maildir has gone down from 61759 to 34787 – but that’s probably because I unfollowed lots of (presumably dead) feeds in the last few weeks. 🥴

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In-reply-to » Something odd just happened to my twtxt timeline... A bunch of twts dissapered, others were marked to be deleted in mutt. so I nuked my whole twtxt Maildir and deleted my ~/.cache/jenny in order to start with a fresh Pull. I pulled feed as usual. Now like HALF the twts aren't there 😂 even my my last replay. WTF IS GOING ON? 🤣🤣🤣 What was going on here? 🥴 Wiping the maildir and ~/.cache/jenny should reset everything, it doesn’t store any other state. 🤔

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In-reply-to » The tag URI scheme looks interesting. I like that it human read- and writable. And since we already got the timestamp in the twtxt.txt it would be somewhat trivial to parse. But there are still the issue with what the name/id should be... Maybe it doesn't have to bee that stick?

  1. (replyto:,2024-09-15T12:06:27Z)

I think I like this a lot. 🤔

The problem with using hashes always was that they’re “one-directional”: You can construct a hash from URL + timestamp + twt, but you cannot do the inverse. When I see #weadxga, I have no idea what that could possibly refer to.

But of course something like (replyto:,2024-09-15T12:06:27Z) has all the information you need. This could simplify twt/feed discovery quite a bit, couldn’t it? 🤔 That thing that I just implemented – jenny asking some Yarn pod for some twt hash – would not be necessary anymore. Clients could easily and automatically fetch complete threads instead of requiring the user to follow all relevant feeds.

Only using the timestamp to identify a twt also solves the edit problem.

It even is better for non-Yarn clients, because you now don’t have to read, understand, and implement a “twt hash specification” before you can reply to someone.

The only problem, really, is that (replyto:,2024-09-15T12:06:27Z) is so long. Clients would have to try harder to hide this. 😅

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In-reply-to » Alright, I saw enough broken threads lately to be motivated enough to extend the --fetch-context thingy: It can now ask Yarn pods for twt hashes. Yep, it’s a list, you can define several pods. Oh, interesting. It doesn’t serve JSON, though, does it? curl -s -H 'Accept: application/json' gets me an HTML page. 🤔

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Alright, I saw enough broken threads lately to be motivated enough to extend the --fetch-context thingy: It can now ask Yarn pods for twt hashes.

This is only done as a last resort if there’s no other way to find the missing twt. Like, when there’s a twt that begins with just a hash and no user mention, there’s no way for jenny to know on which feed that twt can be found, so it’ll ask some Yarn pod in that case.

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In-reply-to » Happy Birthday my Son, I guess you are still camping and celebrating your special day with family. You were born on a Wednesday on 15 September 1982 at Belmont Hospital, which is a lovely low set place outside Newcastle, as you were brought home to live with my Mum and Dad at Sunshine in our first few months as a married couple, at Sunshine near Morriset NSW. Enjoy your special day. Congratz 🥳

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In-reply-to » 20° temperature drop in just a hand full of days. Ooof. We went on a stroll at 10°C today. I could have used a beanie, my ears were very cold. The sun was out, but hardly any people. Very nice. Also, no wind. Wow, those are some great shots. Fall is finally here! 😍 (Might be a bit exaggerated by my redshift. 😅)

That temperature drop was pretty sudden. Boom, cold, no warning. Give me some time to adapt, man! 😂

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In-reply-to » @lyse Gosh, that sounds so horrible. 🙈🤢

Speaking of public transportation, though: If it works, then it’s an amazing system. I love it.

I recently took the time to find an alternative route to one of my doctors. Hardly any people using that route and it’s faster. Absolutely brilliant. It’s like having a chauffeur. 😅

But navigating through that system is also a total nightmare. Which bus takes you to which places at which times, getting info about current construction sites, all that stuff. It takes forever.

And it doesn’t help at all that this is what their website looks like:

You can’t move that window at the bottom. It just sits there and takes up space from the map. It gets even worse: When you ask for a route, you get to see the buses and individual stops and all that – but all in that little window with that large font! Why do we all have widescreen monitors and than stack UI items vertically?

Sure, 30 years ago it was much worse. But it could also be much better today. 😅

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In-reply-to » Thinking about what to do for the next Advent of Code. 🤔

Another idea for the upcoming Advent Of Code 2024:

OS/2 Warp 4 came with Java and that not only meant a runtime but a JDK including API docs. So, for AoC, I could try to solve as many puzzles as I can in that environment, directly on my old Pentium. For later puzzles, I’ll definitely want to switch to my normal workstation for faster development cycles – but I can still use Java and try to backport the solutions.

Sounds interesting. 🤔

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In-reply-to » @cuaxolotl Ah, thanks for reporting back! Okay, so you’re basically manually “crawling” feeds right now. 🤔 What do you think about the idea of adding something like # follow_notify = gemini://foo/bar to your feed’s metadata, so that clients who follow you can ping that URL every now and then? How would you even notice that, do you regularly read your gemini logs? 🤔 Yeah, that’s pretty close to what was outlined here: 😅

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In-reply-to » It’s one of those days.

I went straight to bed after posting this and slept for 3 hours. 😩 Can’t I just win the lottery and be done with this whole “money” thing? 🤪 Oof, well, good luck. Those multi-day meetings are usually really exhausting (and mostly pointless) in our company, hopefully it’s different at yours. ✌️

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