In-reply-to » I don’t run a bug tracker, instead all my projects link to this page:

Maybe your softwares are just perfect and there are simply no bug reports and contributions required. :-)

Haha. πŸ˜‚ I guess my software is just way too irrelevant. πŸ˜… Or maybe not. I just don’t know. I should add some telemetry. 😏

I just also see the issue with smaller mail servers being blocked by the large ones. This also happened to me I believe. My mails just never made it to the people. Or they were ignored, I cannot tell.

To be honest, when I send private email, like insurance stuff or to the bank or similar, I always get a reply. The recipients are German mail servers, usually run by those institutions or individuals. Sometimes it’s MS Outlook or Telekom. In other words, it’s not Google. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm …

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