Microsoft Outage Hits Users Worldwide, Leading To Canceled Flights
Microsoft grappled with a major service outage, leaving users across the world unable to access its cloud computing platforms and causing airlines to cancel flights. From a report: Thousands of users across the world reported problems with Microsoft 365 apps and services to Downdetector.com, a website that tracks service disruptions. "We're inve ... ⌘ Read more
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@prologic@twtxt.net Just look at their website. Yesterday, there was this quote, it’s already gone by now:
Cybersecurity’s AI-native platform for the XDR era
Mo-mo-mo-monster bingo!
Someone archived this screnshot, that I’ve also seen yesterday: https://assets.chaos.social/cache/media_attachments/files/112/812/257/953/926/994/original/c9de6459751f2ebf.png „Your company can be ruined in just 62 minutes“ Luckily, ClownStrike can shorten this timeframe even more. :-D
@movq@www.uninformativ.de I hope all admins can at least tell management: Told you so! But of course, no manager gets fired for their bloody stupid decision.
@xuu@txt.sour.is We got several e-mails about this whole desaster at work.