We went up our backyard mountain again right after lunch. The sun peaked through the clouds sometimes. The 6°C felt much, much cooler with the northeast wind. We got lucky, though, it was dead calm at the summit. At least on the southwestern side, which is a few meters lower than the very top to the east. That was shielded absolutely perfectly from the wind (we were extremely surprised), so we sat down on a bench and could really enjoy the sun heating us up. Apart from the haze, the view was really nice.
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@movq@www.uninformativ.de Yeah, the ground was wet here, too. Some sections of esp. smaller paths had turned into mud holes. There are a few notorious spots. Oh well, you just have to press on. :-)
Forest animals also have to do the laundry, they even have a proper clotheshorse! See: https://lyse.isobeef.org/wanderung-zu-den-schurrenhoffuechsen-2021-05-15/07.jpg :-D