In-reply-to » On the Subject of Feed Identities; I propose the following:

My first thought when reading this was to go to my typical response and suggest we use Nostr instead of introducing cryptography to Twtxt. The more I thought about it, however, the more it made sense.

  1. It solves the problem elegantly, because the feed can move anywhere and the twt hashes will remain the same.
  2. It provides proof that a post is made by the same entity as another post.
  3. It doesn’t break existing clients.
  4. Everyone already has SSH on their machine, so anyone creating feeds manually could adopt this easily.

There are a couple of elephants in the room that we ought to talk about.

  1. Are SSH signatures standardized and are there robust software libraries that can handle them? We’ll need a library in at least Python and Go to provide verified feed support with the currently used clients.
  2. If we all implemented this, every twt hash would suddenly change and every conversation thread we’ve ever had would at least lose its opening post.

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