In-reply-to » What looks to me to be pretty nasty transphobia was posted in the IRC channel.

I also think it’s important to add, that no group, event or action, should be considered “protected from humor”.

“Humor” is punching up. “Abuse” is punching down. Yes, groups “below” you in the pecking order should be free from your “humor”, because that “humor” amounts to abuse much of the time. What you’re saying here is what lousy people say to defend their abuse as “just a joke; why don’t people have a sense of humor anymore” etc.

to now almost fully sanitized. It ruined the fun.

Are you joking? You are not looking at the same internet I am, then, and I’m old enough to have used USENET. This is nonsense.

The Fediverse fractured, mostly because some percentage of users, had to find a way to silence those offensive to them, for the entirety of their instance. I really don’t want this place, taking the same path.

This is 100% horseshit and wrong. There is literally no sense in which the Fediverse “fractured.” One look at connectivity graphs among instances proves that, so where is this coming from? Where are you getting this nonsense and why are you repeating it? Again, you are repeating the talking points/bullshit of bad actors. If black people (for instance) don’t want instances they use to federate with instances that allow and promote racism, that is their right and they should be protected in doing what they need, not called “fractured”. Just like you don’t have to invite a racist into your house and listen to their garbage for the sake of avoiding “fracturing”, whatever you mean by that.

It’s so bizarre, but unfortunately predictable, how people who don’t even know what happened in a given event feel the need to jump up and defend “humor” or “free speech” or some such empty ideal. I’d urge you to ask yourself why you felt the need to do that.

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