In-reply-to » QOTD: How do you listen to your music? I almost feel like I shouldn’t reply because my setup isn’t very elaborate. 🥴

I have ~/music and then a folder for each artist. Each album gets its own subfolder. That’s pretty much it.


I usually use mpd for playing, sometimes mpv. I could use something simpler, I guess, but I’ve been an mpd use since at least 2009 and it just works. (I used Audacious, XMMS2, and, well, WinAmp before that. And sometimes MP3Blaster at the end of the 1990ies, but at that time I didn’t have a lot of music on my PC anyway.)

A long time ago, I had .m3u playlists for each genre, but I found that I don’t use that a lot. I usually just play what I’d like to hear right now.

As for tagging, I just do the basic things like artist, title, album name, so I get a somewhat meaningful display in ncmpcpp:


Virtually all the music on my hard disk is ripped from CDs that I physically own. The script that I use for ripping is ancient, like 17 years old. But it still works, so why bother. It apparently uses icedax for querying the CDDB and the actual ripping, then oggenc for encoding.

Probably the most elaborate/convoluted part of my sound setup is the use of LADSPA filters directly in PipeWire. I have crappy speakers and the filters do some EQ and maybe compression. That’s also super handy in today’s abundant video calls and also for watching movies. (I disable the filter chain if I switch to my headphones.)

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